Motorcycle Courses
Motorcycle Courses
Basic Course
Live to Ride
Course Contains
Live to Ride- Saturday & Sunday 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM
- In Class is held every Wednesday evening at 615pm online zoom.
Maneuvering Skills
Live to RideLot Training
Cancellation & Refund Policy
You will be registered upon receipt of payment and completed registration. Registrations are accepted on a first come first served basis. A registration confirmation will be emailed to you confirming the date and time of class.
If the minimum course enrolment is not met, the course will be cancelled or rescheduled. You will be notified by phone for any cancellation and/or rescheduling.
There will be NO REFUNDS issued in the event that you do not attend or complete the class. Notification by you within 48 hours prior to the class of your not being able to attend will result in your being able to reschedule to another class providing there's an opening.
You understand that this course is held "Rain or Shine". There are NO REFUNDS for inclement weather.